Cigarettes do not fill a void. They create one! - Allen Carr
* MAACTI - Member of the Association of Allen Carr Therapists International. There are just 15 such therapists in the UK.
0800 077 6187
* MAACTI - Member of the
Association of Allen Carr
Therapists International. There
are just 15 such therapists in
the UK.
Allen Carr’s Easyway to
Stop Smoking Method
Email Support
TWO booster sessions
MAACTI Qualified Therapist *
“Allen Carr’s book
was great, but I’m
still smoking. Why
go to the clinic?”
Here’s why…
Phone & Text Support
Live Graphic Demonstrations
Live relaxation session
Customised Q/A session
Powerful extra tools
Many people have
contacted us in the
past remarking that
they have read
Allen Carr’s
Easyway to Stop
The answer is simple - we all
work in different ways. Allen
Carr’s book has changed the
lives of millions of smokers, but
for some, reading a book is
like reading a road map, it can
be difficult because you are
subject to distractions, you can’t
ask questions on specific points.
The Clinic Session is like the
SAT NAV of the Allen Carr
Method and by far the most
effective form of the method.
You are guided out of the
maze by an experienced
therapist, themselves an ex
smoker who quit with Allen
Carr’s Easyway and who is
trained to make it as easy as
possible for you to stop smoking
Smoking, the book which has
sold 17,000,000 copies
worldwide in 35 languages.
They tell us that they have
understood everything in the
book but are still smoking.
© Easyway Manchester 2022